We make machine data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone. Get the answers you need to grow your business and deliver the best customer experience.
You’ve got data. Splunk has answers

Splunk® Enterprise and Splunk Cloud™ deliver massive scale and speed to give you the real-time insights needed to boost productivity, security, profitability and competitiveness.

Any Size Organization

Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Enterprise is the easiest way to aggregate, analyze and get answers from your machine data.

Delivered in the Cloud

Splunk Cloud

Deploy Splunk securely, reliably and scalably as a service. No infrastructure required.

Small IT Environments

Splunk Light

The comprehensive solution for small IT environments looking to automate log search and analysis.

Don’t be down, stay up

Gain operational efficiencies, optimize IT cost and get answers from your data. Redefine IT operations with Splunk for end-to-end insights.

Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI)

Simplify operations, prioritize problem resolution and align IT with the business using a monitoring and analytics solution tailored for today’s environments

Splunk Insights for AWS Cloud Monitoring

Don’t lose sight or control of your data. Enjoy end-to-end security, operational and cost-management insights for your AWS workloads

Splunk Insights for Infrastructure

Get one product to see what's going on in your server environment and fix problems the right away. No muss, no fuss.

Know what you don’t know

Leverage a single source of truth to help drive better, faster security decisions. Stay ahead of threats with advanced threat detection and analytics-driven response.

Splunk Enterprise Security

Gain end-to-end visibility into your security posture with actionable intelligence that helps you prioritize and act fast.

Splunk User Behavior Analytics

Protect against insider threats with machine learning-powered user and entity behavior analytics.


Marshall the full power of your existing security investment using the Phantom Security Operations Platform.

Splunk Insights for Ransomware

Don’t pay. Be prepared to combat ransomware with an additional layer of security to help combat persistent and new strains of malware.

Time is Money

Accelerate your time to value with quick start bundles that get you up and running in no time

Quick Start for Application Management

Quick Start for Infrastructure Monitoring

Quick Start for Security Investigation-Endpoint

Quick Start for Security Investigation-Infrastructure

Quick Start for Service Intelligence

Quick Start for SIEM